duminică, 9 decembrie 2012

Romanian Elections in December 2012

Wow...  yes, this is an amazing wow, regarding the politics of Romania!

The politicians are getting crazy nowadays in order to get a place into the Romanian Senate or Government, which can be translated in common words as a powerful source for getting money, illegal money, money that are not worked for... just "money that falls from the sky"... into the hands of so many Romanian un-alphabets, as many of those on the lists do not even know how to spell their names.

Sad, but true!

Two main parties will dispute their rights into a furious and legendary campaign, based on fraud, violence, dirty words, menaces, ignorance and many more. These are represented by the PDL (my main and favorite enemy) and USL, aka PSD (another alternative to the orange plague of Romania, represented by the PDL).

In fact you have nobody to vote for, but for not helping the dirty PDL you need and this is a MUST to vote for USL. The best alternative til now for people who still have a bit of dignity.

Instead of taking action, the Romanian nation stays mute and do nothing. Too boring, too much for them to fight for their off-springs' future.

Most of the people go away, to different countries for a better living. They do not like what is in here, due to the hypocrisy of the most stupid president of Romania, aka Basescu (a bastard that sells everything, including his mother) and who puts his interests above Romania and its own citizens who are like convicted fellows, treated with disrespect, lack of dignity,  ignorance, arrogance by Basescu and his party.

If PDL is going to win, this country is going down for ever.

I will always fight against this murderers supported by other criminals from Europe!

So, if you are a Romanian, with a bit of dignity, listen to the voice of reason and vote for the future of your children! Do not support thieves, whores and corruption in the politics no more!

And, not in the end I must also add what a great mind (Albert Einstein) once said: "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of IDIOTS." 
And that day have come nowadays, when technology serve as a substitute for our physiological natural reactions. 

4 comentarii:

Beydo spunea...

Cei care au intampinat dificultati in procesul de exprimare al votului sunt rugati sa scrie comentariile aici. Va multumim!

Anonim spunea...

La circumscriptia electorala, din Localitatea Constanta, Judetul Constanta, de care apartine Str. Stefan Cel Mare No. 123, presedintele sectiei nu dorea sa ii lase pe cei care aveau flotantul trecut pe CI sa voteze, pe motiv ca nu aveau acest drept.

Nu este prima data cand se intampla acest lucru.

Oare de ce?

Ii este PDL-ului asa de frica si prin urmare se poarta marsav?

Beydo spunea...

Exercita-ti dreptul constitutional de a vota! Voteaza acum, pentru tine, pentru cei dragi, pentru un viitor mai bun!
Nu lasa prostia sa guverneze si sa te conduca!
Voteaza acum! Exercita-ti dreptul castigat cu greu... voteaza!

Beydo spunea...

Let's have a free Romania! Free of fraud, free of thieves, free of stupidity and arrogance, free of PDL!
Express your constitutional right and vote now for a better future, for a change!
No matter how hard we try, how many times, let's show the "orange plague" is not affecting us and is not getting us down!