duminică, 9 decembrie 2012

Romanian Elections in December 2012

Wow...  yes, this is an amazing wow, regarding the politics of Romania!

The politicians are getting crazy nowadays in order to get a place into the Romanian Senate or Government, which can be translated in common words as a powerful source for getting money, illegal money, money that are not worked for... just "money that falls from the sky"... into the hands of so many Romanian un-alphabets, as many of those on the lists do not even know how to spell their names.

Sad, but true!

Two main parties will dispute their rights into a furious and legendary campaign, based on fraud, violence, dirty words, menaces, ignorance and many more. These are represented by the PDL (my main and favorite enemy) and USL, aka PSD (another alternative to the orange plague of Romania, represented by the PDL).

In fact you have nobody to vote for, but for not helping the dirty PDL you need and this is a MUST to vote for USL. The best alternative til now for people who still have a bit of dignity.

Instead of taking action, the Romanian nation stays mute and do nothing. Too boring, too much for them to fight for their off-springs' future.

Most of the people go away, to different countries for a better living. They do not like what is in here, due to the hypocrisy of the most stupid president of Romania, aka Basescu (a bastard that sells everything, including his mother) and who puts his interests above Romania and its own citizens who are like convicted fellows, treated with disrespect, lack of dignity,  ignorance, arrogance by Basescu and his party.

If PDL is going to win, this country is going down for ever.

I will always fight against this murderers supported by other criminals from Europe!

So, if you are a Romanian, with a bit of dignity, listen to the voice of reason and vote for the future of your children! Do not support thieves, whores and corruption in the politics no more!

And, not in the end I must also add what a great mind (Albert Einstein) once said: "I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of IDIOTS." 
And that day have come nowadays, when technology serve as a substitute for our physiological natural reactions. 

miercuri, 10 octombrie 2012

Dental Bonding and its primary use

Dental bonding is a technique that allows a dentist to firmly attach tooth-colored filling material to the teeth. This process provides a means to repair chipped or worn teeth, place beautiful and natural appearing fillings, or even to enhance the appearance of teeth by changing their size, shape or color.

Obviously, with all that bonding can accomplish, it is a pretty amazing procedure that allows dentists to achieve lifelike and very conservative treatment results. Tooth colored fillings and conservative cosmetic treatment rely on the bonding process. When done carefully, these types of restorations can last many years. (Read how our laser light finds decay!)

As good as dental bonding is, it does have some limitations. It works best in small amounts--very large fillings tend to chip and discolor and often do not mimic the natural tooth shape. For this reason the dentist may recommend a laboratory made porcelain restoration instead. Also,it is very technique-sensitive and even small amounts of water or saliva contamination can cause failure. If a tooth can't be kept dry, it can't be bonded. Fortunately dentists have a variety of methods to create a dry area.

 At Beydo Dental Care, we believe in being as conservative as possible when restoring teeth. Whenever possible we use our dental laser, the Waterlase™, to very conservatively remove decay. We can then place realistic looking restorations in the laser prepared teeth. This type of technology is new and it benefits our patients by being minimally invasive, yet very effective.

The bonding process can also be used to adhere porcelain to the tooth surface. It is a remarkable technique that has changed the way dentistry is practiced and has enhanced the lives of many people.

Want to have a perfect healthy smile? Contact us, today!

List of Dental Schools in Europe

A number of European colleges and universities offer challenging and competitive dental programs, ideal for non-European students who desire to study this subject matter abroad. Many of these European schools allow students to study at either the undergraduate or the graduate level, and some offer Ph.D. programs in dentistry.
King’s College School of Medicine and Dentistry
    • The School of Medicine and Dentistry at King’s College in England is home to King’s College London Dental Institute. The King’s College website describes the institute as “the largest dental academic centre in the UK.” A quarter of all dentists in the United Kingdom receive training at King’s College, and dentists from 40 other countries have trained through its online program. Students can study at the undergraduate or graduate level. Graduate students focus their research on areas including oral cancer, dental caries and periodontal diseases, biomaterials, oral microflora, craniofacial biology and mucosal biology, dental imaging, and health services.
      King's College London
      London WC2R 2LS

      University of Zurich Dental Program
    • Undergraduate dentistry students at the University of Zurich in Switzerland study full time for at least five years. For the first two years they take courses with medical students to establish a basis in the natural and human sciences and certain medical conditions, according to the website. They spend the three remaining years, called “clinical academic years,” learning basic specialist knowledge and practical dentistry skills. Professors teach courses in German. Graduates go on to careers in various health services and academic positions at universities.
      University of Zurich
      Rämistrasse 71

    University College Cork Dental School

    • The Dental School at University College Cork, part of the University’s College of Medicine and Health in southern Ireland, offers a Bachelor of Dental Science degree, a Diploma in Dental Hygiene and training for dental nurses. At the postgraduate level, students can pursue a Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry, which focuses on oral surgery and orthodontics, a Master's in Dental Public Health or a Master's by research degree. Doctoral students can choose from three clinical areas of study: the Clinics of Dental Surgery, which includes oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral medicine and oral radiology; Oral Health and Development, which includes pediatric and preventive dentistry, orthodontics and dental public health; and Restorative Dentistry, which includes fixed and removable prosthodontics, endodontics and periodontology.
      University College Cork
      Cork, Ireland

sâmbătă, 7 iulie 2012

Sa scriem corect românește!

Să scriem corect: cunoștință sau cunoștiință!

De multe ori observăm fie în discuțiile cu terți, fie în mass media, o reală problemă a scrierii acestui cuvânt: cunoștință.

De unde provine dificultatea aceasta scrierii corecte a acestui substantiv?

Corect se scrie cunoștință.

Explicatia gramaticală este simplă: substantivul ,,cunoștință" este derivat cu sufixul ,,-ință" de la cuvântul de bază, verbul ,,a cunoaște". Dat fiind că rădăcina cuvântului este ,,cunoșt-", iar sufixul ,,-ință", cuvântul derivat conțne un singur ,,i".

CONȘTIINȚĂ = cunoaștere; (la plural) totalitatea noțiunilor, ideilor, informațiilor pe care le are cineva într-un domeniu oarecare; persoana pe care vorbitorul o cunoaște.
Cauza greșelii ar putea consta în confuzia pe care mulți o fac cu substantivul ,,conștiință", neologism din francezul ,,conscience", echivalat în română prin ,,conștiință" în relație cu verbul ,,a ști". Termenul este format din prefixul ,,con-", rădăcina ,,ști" și sufixul ,,-ință".

O altă cauză a erorii de scriere ar putea fi confuzia pe care unii vorbitori o fac între sensurile celor două cuvinte. Nu de puține ori auzim că cineva și-a pierdut conștiința, când de fapt corect era să își piardă cunoștința.

CONȘTIINȚĂ = 1. Sentiment, intuiție pe care ființa umană o are despre propria existență; p. ext. cunoaștere intuitivă sau reflexivă  pe care o are fiecare despre propria existență și despre lucrurile din jurul său. 2. Faptul de a-și da seama; înțelegere. ◊ Conștiința socială = ansamblu de reprezentări, idei, concepții, cunoștințe, mentalități ale unei colectivități umane, care reflectă condițiile de existență ale acesteia, precum și psihologia socială a oamenilor. Conștiința de clasă = parte a conștiinței sociale care reflectă existența socială a unei clase determinate. 3. (în opoziție cu existența, materia) Gândire, spirit. 4. Sentiment al responsabilității morale față de propria sa conduită.

vineri, 6 iulie 2012

În sfârșit, Presedintele Romaniei a fost suspendat! / Finally, the President of Romania has been suspended!

Traian Basescu a fost SUSPENDAT din functia de presedinte al Romaniei. Referendumul national pentru demitere ar putea avea loc pe 29 iulie.

Parlamentul a hotarat, vineri, suspendarea presedintelui Traian Basescu, cu 256 de voturi PENTRU, 114 IMPOTRIVA si un vot ANULAT (conform www.manager.ro sau 2 voturi anulate, conform www.avocatnet.ro).

Dupa anuntarea rezultatelor, Parlamentul a propus ca data referendumului national pentru demiterea sefului statului sa fie 29 iulie 2012, propunere aprobata de plen, cu 242 voturi "pentru", informeaza Mediafax.

Sedinta plenului reunit al Parlamentului, in care s-a dezbatut cererea de suspendare a presedintelui Traian Basescu, s-a incheiat, dupa ce senatorii si deputatii si-au exprimat votul secret, cu bile.

In urma rezultatelor centralizate de Biroul Permanent, Traian Basescu a fost suspendat din functia de presedinte al Romaniei cu 256 voturi "pentru" si 114 "impotriva", iar 2 voturi au fost anulate.

Dupa anuntarea rezultatelor, presedintele Senatului, Crin Antonescu, a citit un proiect de hotarare ce prevede ca data referendumului national pentru demiterea presedintelui sa fie 29 iulie 2012.
Potrivit Mediafax, propunerea a fost aprobata de plen, cu 242 voturi "pentru"

Crin Antonescu, presedinte interimar al Romaniei.

Crin Antonescu va deveni presedinte interimar al Romaniei, din pozitia de lider al Senatului, dupa ce solicitarea de suspendre a lui Basescu a fost adoptata de Parlament.

Potrivit Constitutiei, informeaza realitatea.net, Antonescu ar avea drepturi LIMITATE in exercitarea acestei functii, insa ar avea dreptul sa acorde gratiere individuala (referire la posibila gratiere a lui Adrian Nastase - care ar fi binevenita in contextul actual, deoarece, daca doresti sa faci dreptate, o faci in egala masura pentru toate personajele politice si/sau cetatenii Romaniei, in fapt - in Romania - aceasta justitie nu exista).

Declaratiile "la cald" ale lui Crin Antonescu, dupa anuntarea suspendarii presedintelui Traian Basescu:

Referendumul pentru demisia presedintelui Traian Basescu va avea loc in data de 29 iulie 2012- Romanii vor trebui sa raspunda cu DA sau NU la intrebarea "Sunteti de acord cu demiterea presedintelui Romaniei, Traian Basescu?"-

Referendumul este obligatoriu - Referendumul va fi inscris in Monitorul Oficial si va fi promovat in presa scrisa, tv si radio.

Traian Băsescu, the president of Romania, has been suspended. The national Referendum for his dismissal could take place on July 29, 2012.

This action has been the best ever made by the Romanian politicians, in order to eradicate the orange plague in charge of Romania, a plague represented by the president of Romania - now former - Traian Basescu, and his former prime-minister Emil Boc, together with their leading party (PDL - Partidul Democrat Liberal - a great shame for Romania and his citizens).

It is also important to mention that Traian Basescu formerly wanted all older Romanians, especially retired people, to be dead - as he (Traian Basescu) shameless said on TV not long ago.

As a citizen of Romania, who pays taxes, who's salary has been cut more than half, who is continuously harassed by the management of the country's power, who is not protected by the Constitution of Romania - although it (the Constitution) requires this - because the state bodies represented by police, are not involved in protecting the citizens of mobs with deep ties to the party leadership, aka PDL I am extremmely happy of the suspension of the number 1 national threat in the history of Romania.

Finally, the voice of the nation spoke up!

That is my gift for today!

luni, 2 aprilie 2012


1. What do you think this is?

Simply... Romania of Today's!

2. Romanian president Basescu and his former prime minister Boc during a brainstorming...

3. Bad morning or just a good commercial to IKEA?

4. That's a warning for the future... :)
5. The handyman or just a man in the kitchen... :P

Video Downloader

For those who use the FireFox browser, this software is an ease regarding downloading...

What is it about

       DownloadHelper's primary job is to retrieve to your disk the videos that are playing in Web pages, in their original format.
      Unfortunately, the native format (generally FLV) is often not very convenient when it comes to playing back the videos, on either your home computer or a hand held device, burning them to a DVD or reworking the movie.
      With the new DownloadHelper's Video Conversion feature, you can very easily select one or more videos that lie on your disk and choose a pre-defined output format. The program will process the movies in background.
       Even better: you can setup the extension to automatically convert the videos as soon as they are saved by DownloadHelper. You can even specify conversion rules (which site, which original media format) to be processed with a given set of parameters.
       Video conversion is available on DownloadHelper 3.1 or later.

Easy or powerful ?

Both :)
While you can select an output format by choosing it from a drop-down list, you can also fine tune the program to deal with dozens of parameters, like the size of the video, the bitrates to be generated, the number of frames per seconds, the audio and video codecs to be used and many more, including multi-pass conversions for an optimal result.

How does it work ?

DownloadHelper doesn't do the conversion by itself: this type of job is not really suitable for a Mozilla extension. Instead, it relies on the well-known FFmpeg program to do the conversion task, and provides the necessary glue to make it simple and convenient for DownloadHelper users.
FFmpeg is the most powerful video conversion utility. In fact, this is the back-end program used by most video converters on the market.
On Linux and Mac, DownloadHelper accesses directly the FFmpeg version you installed on your system. On Windows, this is simpler as you install directly an application, ConvertHelper, to make easier the DownloadHelper/FFmpeg relationship.

Installing the feature

Installing on Windows

Using video conversion with DownloadHelper requires that you turn on the feature from the extension's preferences dialog.
The simplest way to open the preferences is to right click on the DownloadHelper icon and select the first entry 'Preferences'. If the icon is not installed in the toolbar, the preferences can also be opened from the Tools / DownloadHelper / Preferences menu, or Tools / Add-ons menu, DownloadHelper selection, Preferences button. From the preferences window, the tab Conversion must be selected.
The Conversion enabled input must be checked.
The message in red indicates that ConvertHelper, the external program in charge of the conversion job, has not been found on the system. Clicking on the Install/Update converter button takes the user to a page where a ConvertHelper installation program can be downloaded from.
Installing ConvertHelper is an easy job:


 Once ConvertHelper is installed, click on the Re-check Converter button or reopen the preferences.
Video conversion is ready to be used.

Installing on Linux and Mac

For Linux and Mac, we do not have a specific FFMPEG distribution to connect to DownloadHelper. Instead, the conversion relies on the distribution that has been installed separately on the computer. Of course, this can lead to conversion failures as the version of FFMPEG may not have been compiled with the features required by the chosen conversion parameters. This might be the case, for instance, when converting to MP3 format, as the native FFMPEG may not have this feature for legal reasons.
On Linux Ubuntu, you may install FFMPEG with:
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
Or better, recompile FFMPEG with more features.
You can specify the exact location of the FFMPEG executable in the preferences.
Note that you can also use Mencoder as an alternative to FFMPEG. However, all the defined conversion parameters will simply be ignored.

Using the feature

Converting manually

Manual conversion allows the user to choose a set of video files from the standard File open dialog, and to indicate what output format is desired. The program takes care of doing the conversion job.
Right-click on the DownloadHelper icon and choose Convert videos. A file chooser dialog opens.
Several files can be selected by holding the CTRL or SHIFT key while clicking on the file name.
You can also request a video conversion at the same time you request the download of the video. For doing this, hold the SHIFT key while clicking on the entry in the download menu.
Then, the user is prompted for the desired output format.
In the basic usage of the conversion feature, the user chooses a pre-defined format in the drop-down list and click OK. Conversion will start immediately.
For advanced users, it is possible to tune many parameters of the conversion. Clicking Details opens a new dialog.
The most common conversion parameters are displayed. To be used, the corresponding checkbox must be checked, otherwise, the default applies.
Conversion parameters are dispatched within 2 tabs. The Advanced tab holds a special Extra parameters input to be used as FFMPEG arguments when the corresponding parameter is not listed in the user interface.
If the 2 Passes checkbox is active, the user can specify independantly the parameters for each pass. By default, the second pass uses the same parameters as the first one. When using 2 passes conversion, the input file is first processed to gather statistics on the audio and video streams, then the file is converted in the second pass with optimal tuning, leading to a better quality and/or a reduced size. This is of course at the price of a longer execution.

Converting automatically

It is possible to specify that conversion should occur automatically. By default, when the conversion feature is enabled, the downloaded FLV files are automatically converted to AVI. This is done using the default conversion rule. This rule can be edited to indicate a different format or parameters. Selecting the rule from the preferences dialog / conversion tab, and clicking button Edit rule opens the rule editor.
If the user needs to convert differently depending on the site he/she is accessing to, or the format of the original media files, it is possible to create several rules, that will be checked in order.
Button Revert to default removes all defined rules and re-create the default one.


Registration benefits

Registration of the video converter is useful if you are running Windows. It gives the following benefits:
  • Converted videos do not longer have the ConvertHelper logo at the top left corner
  • You can convert a video to a MP3 file in case you are only interested in the audio
  • You have access to our support service

Logo on converted video

The logo appears at the top left corner of the converted videos when you use the conversion on Windows with an unregistered converter version.
This logo has a fixed size. This means that if you convert a regular-sized web video (e.g 320x240), it will occupy a small portion of the video. If you use the converter on a small size video (e.g 160x120), it displays on a substantial part of the image.
You can get rid of the logo by registering your converter version.

Converting to MP3

On Windows, converting downloaded videos to MP3 format is only available on registered versions.
On other systems, Linux or MacOSX, converting to MP3 relies on the capabilities of the ffmpeg version that is installed on your system. You may need to recompile ffmpeg in order to get access to MP3 codec. Sorry, we don't provide support on this.

How to register

You can register your converter version from our registration page. As soon as the operation is complete you receive by mail your personal registration code. Copy this code to the input field of the dialog that opens when you select Register conversion in the DownloadHelper menus (note this menu option only appears if you are running DownloadHelper on Windows with an unregistered version of the converter and you have enabled conversion in the preferences).
When you reinstall your computer, your Firefox version or create a new user profile, your registration code will be checked automatically (or you may need to re-enter the code manually) for validity from our servers. After a number of reinstallations, the registration code will be blocked and you will automatically receive a mail to your original address. This mail contains a link that you need to visit in order to unblock your license.

Other stuff

Monitoring conversions

Conversions are performed on a one by one basis in order to avoid too much processing on the computer. Conversion jobs are queued in a list. It is possible to see the state of the queue by right-clicking on the DownloadHelper icon and selecting Converter queue.

Known issues

  • On Windows, the background converter opens a console. This happens on Firefox 2 and has been solved in the official release of Firefox 3. See the related bug for details.
  • On Firefox 3, prior to Firefox 3.0rc2, the browser freezes during the time of the conversion. Please, do not use an Firefox 3.0 beta version. For details, see Firefox bug #433005.
  • Firefox crashes when converting videos while the Converter Queue dialog is open. [Fixed in 3.1.1]This issue has been reported a couple of times on both Windows and Linux. It might be a side effect of the fix of Firefox bug #433055. We are investigating on this. For now, you might want to avoid opening the Converter Queue dialog while conversions are in progress.

Solving problems

If you play with conversion parameters, chances are that at some point we will have an issue: either no converted file will be generated, or the generated file won't play on your computer.
For the second case, there 99% chances your system is lacking a non-standard audio or video codec. You may want to install additional codecs, for instance the K-Lite Codec Pack.
If no converted file is being generated, it can be:
  • a conflict between FFMPEG parameters. There are many cases where 2 parameters just cannot be used together.
  • your version of FFMPEG does not support one or more parameters. This can happen particularly on Linux and Mac systems, as the conversion feature relies on the user-installed FFMPEG distribution.
On Windows only, it is possible to see the conversion log that will certainly give good indications about the issue.
Open the conversion tab of the preferences dialog and check Log conversions.
Perform a conversion, then come back and click Show log

Import/Export conversion formats

As fine-tuning conversion might be a tricky job, you may find convenient to be able to save and retrieve conversion configuration data. For doing so, right click on the Video Output Format window (not on a widget but on the window background). This opens a context menu with the option Copy video format. If you choose this option, the current configuration data are stored as a text string into the clipboard. You can paste it to a text file for later retrieval.

Similarly, if the clipboard contains a text string that can be understood by DownloadHelper, you will see a second menu entry, Paste video format, that will update the current format from the clipboard data.

Prevent conversion

  • If you don't want to use conversion at all, the best way is to disable the feature from the extension preferences.
  • If you want to convert only on demand without automatic conversion, you should enable the conversion from the extension preferences but remove any conversion rule. You will still be able to use manual conversion from Convert videos menu or SHIFT-click on the download menu entries.
  • If you want automatic conversion in general but not for a particular video, SHIFT-click on the entry in the download menu, then choose Cancel in the Output format dialog. You will then download the file in its original format.

Source code

You can download ConvertHelper source code from this link.
To be compliant with FFmpeg rules, we also provide the sources we used to build the converter package. However, if you plan to recompile FFmpeg you should better download the latest code by following the procedure described there.